Advocate General Yves Bot of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in his Opinion in Case C-362/14 Schrems, 23 September 2015, footnote 91, citing ‘Foreign Nationals and Data Protection Law: a Transatlantic Analysis’, in: Hielke Hijmans and Herke Kranenborg (eds), Data Protection Anno 2014: How to Restore Trust? 213-224 (intersentia 2014)
Advocate General Cruz Villalón of the CJEU in his Opinion in Case C-230/14 Weltimmo, 25 June 2015, footnote 29, citing Kuner, 'Data
Protection Law and International Jurisdiction on the Internet Part 1’, 18 International Journal
of Law and Information Technology (2010) 18(2) 176-193
German Federal Supreme Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), BGH 1 StR 184/00 - Urteil v. 12. Dezember 2000 (LG Mannheim), paragraph 55, a leading case on international jurisdiction, citing Kuner, 'Internationale Zuständigkeitskonflikte im Internet', 1996 Computer und Recht 453
Jack Weinstein, Senior Federal DIstrict Judge, in Simon v. Philip Morris Inc., 86 F. Supp.2d 95 (E.D.N.Y. 2000), citing Kuner, 'Personal Jurisdiction Based on the Presence of Property in German Law: Past, Present, and Future', 5 Transnat'l Law. 691 (1992)